Timothy Oltman

Timothy Oltman, M.S.

Data Scientist

Timothy Oltman, a data scientist at Activate Research, is experienced in data analysis, statistical methods, and user experience (UX) research. He writes code to automate and create efficiencies in projects involving data analysis web scraping, and quality assurance. Tim’s data analysis work has included developing hierarchical Bayesian models, survival analysis, and other predictive models. He has also written code to parse and transform human readable tables into machine readable formats. Tim also has experience with qualitative and quantitative research design for UX research. His code has successfully scraped over 1 million unique URLs, and he has developed automated data quality assurance tasks by accessing files in various formats and performing data consistency checks. Tim is also skilled in data visualization and has developed displays that communicate compelling stories found in the data. Prior to joining Activate, he used quantitative and qualitative research methods to improve mobile applications and web surveys. The methods included designing cognitive interview studies and A/B tests. Tim holds two master’s degrees in survey research and methodology and economics. He is trained in research methods including questionnaire development, statistical analysis and research design.